The Primary Teacher Resource Centre - Blog

Great at Grammar Reviews

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Our Great at Grammar PowerPoint activity resource has proved to be incredibly popular this term. Below are just a few comments of what our customers think of the resource.

I bought the Great at Grammar resource to support my teaching of grammar this year particularly as it is the first year of the new SPAG test in May. It was recommended on the PTRC forum and comes at a reasonable price. I find for me the best way of using the activities is in one block on a Friday morning, as a part of a review. The children have SPAG books and sometimes we jot down answers, sometimes we do them orally as a whole class. I have copied them onto SMART board files so that the children can come up and be interactive with the texts as well. I like the fact that they are short and sharp and reinforce grammar in all areas; the children like the snappiness of the sessions and it is definitely helping them remember rules of grammar and punctuation. 'I like the way we work through them as a class and aren't copying from a text book.' by Andrew in my class. Amy

The reasons for purchasing this resource were actually two fold. Firstly with the introduction of the new Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling test for year 6 I didn't want to get involved in teaching dry hour long grammar etc lessons, I needed something more appealing. Secondly I don't have time to make up resources as a busy Year 6 and Assistant Head teacher and having purchased items from The PTRC before I knew that I wasn't going to be disappointed.This resource is just what I was looking for, something that is bright, engaging and interesting. I use them as a mental / oral starter to lessons with discussion and elaboration where appropriate. I have been able to refer back to the various activities during literacy, topic and science lessons, even maths evaluations. In fact it is not only myself that refer back to them but the children also: "Isn't that like the starter we did on Monday?" - a reference to locating complex sentences in narrative writing. This has been one of the best time saving, effective resource I have purchased. In fact I raised it as a gem on a recent Literacy Network meeting. Not only is the teacher pleased but the children actually enjoy the task and the banter afterwards. Many thanks, PTRC :) PhilippaI
I purchased the resource for two main reasons. The first was that I was new to teaching Year 5 and 6 in September and wanted a starting point for teaching grammar. The second reason was that I wanted something that was bright and stimulating that would bring what can be a 'dry' subject to life.Because each activity takes just a few minutes, I find they are great for registration time. It means the children have a focused activity as soon as school starts. I have found that having a carousel of activities works really well round 5 tables of mixed ability children - so one table has the vocabulary activity, one the punctuation activity and so on. They record new vocabulary and grammar rules into their magpie books for later use in their independent writing. They have save me lots of planning time and I feel the children are getting a worthwhile focussed activity at the start of each day that is transferable to their independent writing. The children like them too. The activities are easy to understand and children think of them more as a game than a formal activity.
Interested in purchasing? Hazel
Please check out the resource by clicking here.

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