Spelling Ideas Cards
- 34 different ways of learning your weekly spelling words
The Primary Teacher Resource Centre > Teaching Resources > Reading Resources
This pack includes 34 fun and creative ways to learn weekly spellings. These can be used as a homework task or in the classroom where the children can take turns picking a card out of a bag. Activities include:
Skip - once for each letter, then call out the word you have spelled.
Throw a ball up in the air saying each letter as you catch it.
Use a piece of string, plasticene or play dough to make the letters of your word.
The activity cards are aimed at children in KS2 and are numbered for easy use. The cards are also attractively designed thanks to our license from Clipart.com
This resource can be either sent electronically via email (FREE) or can be sent via first class mail loaded onto a CD (P&P £1.00). Please choose your preferred method at the checkout.