Resource Makers
Interested in becoming one of our resource makers or do you have high quality resources already made that you are interested in selling?
- Are you a qualified teacher?
- Do you work part time or have some spare time and want to earn some extra income? An hour or two a week?
- Do you have excellent computer skills?
If the answer is yes to any of the questions above then we are looking for you! We are a small business looking to expand with a wide range of new teaching and display resources and are looking for a small group of teachers to make these resources.
Interested in being involved? Want to find out more? Simply complete the form below and we will get back to you. We are specifically looking for teachers who detailed plans of any subjects that they are interested in selling. We are also looking for themed resources linked to significant events throughout the year such as Chinese New Year, the seasons and religious celebrations. These must be your own work and not that produced by others.